Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, habeo sonet repudiandae sed in, habemus cotidieque vis et. In eam ferri integre deleniti. Eum in movet viris facilisi, ex nam rebum quidam dolores. Consetetur theophrastus cum no, te aeterno evertitur interesset nam, iusto hendrer.


If you wish to be placed on the mailing list for future courses or pay by bank transfer please contact olga@levitt.co.uk
Mindfulness means intentionally paying attention to what you are experiencing
in the present moment, with curiosity,
self-compassion, acceptance
and without judgement.
One Day Mindfulness Workshops
Next date to be confirmed
Totteridge Village Hall,
Badger's Croft, London N20 8AH
10.00am - 4.00pm
£50 for the day
A Restorative Day to Practice and Explore Mindfulness including Gentle Yoga as Mindful Movement
Suitable for those with no experience
AND for those who want to refresh their practice.
People of all abilities welcome.
Come to renew yourself.
Use the ideas as a therapist or yoga teacher.
What you need to know:
Wear comfortable clothing.
Be prepared to practice with bare feet.
If you have a yoga mat please bring it.
Water, tea and coffee will be provided.
Please bring a savoury (non-meat) or sweet dish to share for lunch.
Next Evening for those with
some experience of Mindfulness
to refresh and renew your practice.
Wednesday 4th March 2020
Normandy, 1 Northcliffe Drive,
London N20 8JX
£5 donation